Our Mission: Empowering Texans to fight pollution through sustained grassroots organizing campaigns that shift corporate and governmental policy. We envision a Texas free from pollution. We organize alongside frontline and grassroots leaders to push back on oil, gas, and petrochemical polluters.

Fund People, Not Pollution: Texas Campaign for the Environment works in coalition with local, state, and national groups to support policies needed to address the climate change and plastic pollution crises. It is clear that we can and must transition the U.S. economy away from unsustainable fossil fuels as a primary source of energy.

TCE, and its sister-organization TCE Fund, has been fighting for every Texan's right to clean land, clean air, and clean water since 1991. Come join the fight for a Texas free from pollution.



  • Fulfilling work

  • Vibrant, passionate colleagues

  • Protect Texas and Planet Earth